tahoe life. cabin life. happy life. 

Welcome to Happy Cabin, our happy place and your second home for stories, travel tips, and inspiration from North Lake Tahoe and beyond. Join our family as we savor time together, celebrate cozy places, and make memories that linger long after the trip is done.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
— John Muir


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Cabin is our family’s second home. It’s a real place—a vintage log cabin in North Lake Tahoe. But it’s more than too. It’s an idea we had when we ventured out as a family to create something together. We imagined a joyful place for gathering, growing, and creating. Our blog evokes what Happy Cabin means to us. Join us as we share stories about the people, places and experiences that make us happy. To visit Happy Cabin on your next trip to North Lake Tahoe, get in touch.

— Heather & Family

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Kings Beach / Tahoe Vista / North Lake Tahoe