Posts tagged design
LOGUE CABIN: A Travelogue: Clamming with Three Generations in Tomales Bay

On a recent trip to Tomales Bay, we introduced a third generation to the wonders of clamming.  Hunting for cockles is like hunting for treasure. It requires a journey, discomfort, hard work, and a lot of faith that all the effort will turn up gold. Not only did our hard work pay off, our kids loved the thrill of the hunt.

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Local Mugs Worth Longing For

I longed for hand-thrown ceramic mugs from local potters in a variety of shapes and colors, each one signed, each one with a story.   The kind of mugs that warm the hands and pique the imagination.  Gorgeous mugs.

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Of Bunk Beds, Meze, and Cedar...

Grandpa toiled for weeks in the hot summer sun over built-in redwood bunks, crafted by hand from pieces of redwood he'd been saving for a special project. Not only are they functional and fun, the smell of linseed oil and old wood takes me back to another happy place we discovered on a trip to Turkey we took when Anaya was only 4-years-old.

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